
Pitaloosie Saila


  • Strange Ladies – 2006
  • Lithograph on paper
  • 38.2 x 57 cm
  • Collection of Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada
Strange Ladies

The three women in the artwork all crossed Pitaloosie's path in the 1950s, when she was in the south for treatment of tuberculosis. A fashionable woman in Montreal wearing a hat with a mesh veil made a lasting impression. "I'd never seen anyone dressed like that before... I’d never seen a nun before either, and I remember her because she was very stern. The nurse took care of me for a time in Halifax."

– Pitaloosie Saila

2018 billboard locations


Please note that not all digital billboards will be displaying Resilience consistently. Treaty, territory, and language information has been referenced from Native Land, and may be incomplete.